Before you move on to any other page, I want to ask you if you've filled out your spouses
End of Watch Paperwork

If you have, I'm so happy to hear it.  Feel free to move on. 

If not, you're finding yourself asking one of the following questions: 

  • What's that?

  • Have I filled that out? 

  • Is it really necessary? 

What your spouse does for our community is selfless.  They risk their lives for their families and strangers alike in order to continue to protect this amazing city that we call home.  Whether they've had a close call yet or not, I'm sure by now it's sunk in that we are living in some truly dangerous times and it is so incredibly important to prepare for the future and whatever it may bring us. 

If you have not filled out the NV PERS form in the End of Watch Paperwork and submitted it and your spouse is lost in the line of duty, their pension will automatically be reverted to the state. You and your family will be left with no way to pay for the necessary arrangements or for the help you need to get through that difficult time. 

That is why I strongly urge you to take a moment, download this form, and get to work on it. It will only take a little bit of time in comparison to the help it will offer you should that horrible situation ever arise. 

Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or need assistance with this.