The LVMPO wives is about ALL of us. Not one member is more important than another. In fact, the UNIT, as a whole, is the joint-venture of this group dedicated to uplifting and inspiring all we come in contact with. The UNIT, in its entirety, is the vital part of the organization and, without it, we cannot strive to perfect our mission and standing in the community. 

Our principles are simple. 

We are dedicated to the success and advancement of the LVMPO wives in their role as the supporters, encouragers and "silent" partners of our spouses.

In these collective and individual roles, both in public and private, we promise to honor and respect one another above all else.

We will be honest and virtuous in all dealings with one another, as well as with general community members, and any other persons we come in contact with as representatives of the LVMPO wives.

We promise to exercise compassion, empathy and love in all things and to seek out opportunities to serve one another and/or any party in need of love and support.

We know and acknowledge that joint cooperation brings a higher caliber of results and success and we thereby promise to work together unified in order to achieve any and all objectives, short and long-term, of the LVMPO wives.

We promise to dedicate our time, talents and any and all tangible items within our possession to further our efforts to support and love one another and our community as personal and professional representatives of the LVMPO wives.

We will not negligently or inadvertently bring dishonor, grief or negative attention and/or emotion to our husbands, our organization and/or any affiliates. 

We promise to honor and respect the sanctity of the organization and keep all matters inter-organization related within the confines of the organization and adhere to a strict standard of confidentiality.

We will LOVE first, always, and serve always in connection with the furtherance of our objectives as the LVMPO Wives.